Thus, you can create a list using a constructor, in addition to the shorthand notation of using the square brackets. 因此,使用构造函数及方括号简化符号,可以创建list。
Prefixes are used as a shorthand notation. 前缀用作一个简单的提示。
However, you can use the dictionary name as a shorthand notation. 但是,可以使用dictionary名作为简写表示法。
This time use Groovy's shorthand notation ( the 'it' object) for the closure. 这次将对闭包使用Groovy的简化符号(‘it’对象)。
For the function, we are once again using the shorthand closure notation. 对于这个函数,我们再次使用了一个简短的闭包注释。
This means that oslc_cm: cmServiceProviders is just a shorthand notation for 这意味着oslccm:cmServiceProviders只是以下内容的简写
This is my shorthand notation. 这是速记符号。
It's also important, once we start talking about molecules, to have a way to represent them, and also to be able to look at a shorthand notation for a certain molecule and understand what the bond is. 还有很重要一点是,一旦我们开始讨论分子,我们需要有一种表示它们的方法,而且能够从中看出,某些分子的简化符号,并得知键的类型。
Expression closures are a shorthand method of defining simple functions that mimics lambda notation. 表达式闭包是定义简单函数的一种便捷方式,用来模仿lambda符号。
It is useful to introduce a shorthand notation to facilitate the identification of various istopes. 为了便于区别各种不同的同位素,引进简化的符号是很有用的。
In parenthesis now is a tilde which is shorthand notation for My Home Directory. 在圆括号里的,代表根目录。
And we can also write this in an even simpler form, which is what's called electron configuration, and this is just a shorthand notation for these electron wave functions. 而且我们也可以将它,写为一个更简单的形式,它叫做电子构型,这个仅仅是这些电子波函数的。
So you have what are called escape characters like backslash N that is the shorthand notation of telling the computer put a new line character here. 幸亏我们有一些类似反斜杠n的转义字符,这只是一种简化方式,用来告知电脑要在这新添一行。
Java also uses a shorthand notation to perform an operation and an assignment at the same time. Java也用一种简写形式进行运算,并同时进行赋值操作。
The electronic configuration, all it is is the shorthand notation for that one electron approximation for the Schrodinger equation for lithium. 电子构型就是,对于锂的薛定谔方程,的单电子近似的,简化形式。
But now, hopefully, we understand where that comes from, why it is that we use the shorthand notation. 但是现在希望我们明白,那是从哪来的,我们为什么要用简化形式。